Friday, January 28, 2011

Custom Bow Orders at The Lollipop Tree

NEW!  I have some new exciting news!  I will be at The Lollipop Tree on fridays from 3pm -5:30pm taking custom hair bow orders!  You are welcome to come in and order anything you want. You can bring in any outfits for me to match, it does not have to be an outfit that was purchased at The Lollipop Tree (although it can be too)  After taking orders, the bows will be available to pick up in about a week. 

So come see me on FRIDAYS from 3pm-5:30pm!

Here is a link to their website, which included their address, just in case you need it!

1 comment:

Heather Minnis said...

That's awesome! I will let my friends know! And I will have to come check it out too! :)

-Heather Minnis-