Monday, August 16, 2010

My Bows in the MALL!

Just wanted to share a few pictures with you of my hair bows being in a kiosk at the mall!  So exciting!  But I have to give thanks to Ashley and Courtney at The Lollipop Tree for putting them there with the clothing they sell.  They are kind of hard to see in these pictures, but the hair bows are clipped to the top of the outfits!  It was a nice moment to see them there, (and Matt said the he was proud of me).  :)  So if you're at Eastland Mall check them out!


Lindsey said...

very cool! I always look in that little stand because I knew they sold your bows! congrats!!!

Haight Happenings said...

Before you know it you'll have your own store!!

Mike and Krista said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!!