Thursday, August 26, 2010

Whoooooo, Whoooo?

So WHO wants some Halloween clippies?  When I saw these owls that's what first inspired me, followed by the pumpkins and cats.  The owls are my personal favorites, but ya know, the pumpkins are ones that could be worn all fall, so they are probably more versatile.  And you could always pair it with one of my solid color stackable bows!  Now tell me how cute would that be, a pumpkin, owl, or cat in the center of a hair bow, OH cute!  Well here are the pictures, let me know what set you want!  And we can divide them up if you just want one, or we can even mix and match.  Whatever you want!  Just let me know whoooooooo?

AND I almost forgot, these are one of a kind!  I can't guaranette I'll be able to make more, so get them while they last, cause what you see above is what I have!

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